by Jesper Østergaard | Dec 11, 2024 | Nyhed
Last week, Hyper4Raill began its journey with €2.8 million in funding and the support of 27 global partners. Co-funded by the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking and coordinated by Hyperloop Development Program (HDP), Hyper4rail goal is to develop a unified concept...
by Jesper Østergaard | Oct 4, 2023 | Nyhed
Techtopia (gen)besøger hyperloop-projektet på det tekniske universitet i München for at undersøge, hvordan det står til med Elon Musks vision om fremtidens kollektive transport. Forestil dig, at du sidder i en transportkapsel, der suser gennem et vakuumrør med lydens...
by Jesper Østergaard | Jul 28, 2023 | Nyhed
Europe’s first certified full scale Hyperloop test track opens The first passenger trips are starting on the Technical University of Munich’s (TUM) Hyperloop test track. The 24-meter-long experimental tube at the TUM Ottobrunn/Taufkirchen campus near...
by Jesper Østergaard | Jun 8, 2023 | Nyhed
Welcome to the first issue of Building a Passenger Hyperloop! Every fortnight we will offer you a glimpse into our journey of building Europe’s first passenger-size hyperloop test segment. We will be sharing exclusive insights about our technology, the impact...